Parliamo di Digital Coach Web Design, 35 secondi di lettura

So, What Size and Type of Font Should I Use on My Website?

By Michael Bernard & Melissa Mills By far the two most common types of fonts currently used on the Web are the serif font, Times New Roman (TNR) and the …

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By Michael Bernard & Melissa Mills
By far the two most common types of fonts currently used on the Web are the serif font, Times New Roman (TNR) and the sans serif font, Arial. The question is, which one is more legible and at which size? In the past, it has been determined that serif fonts, which have ornamental strokes at the tip and base of each letter, are easier to read on paper than sans serif fonts, which do not have serifs. This is because it is believed that serifs help distinguished each individual letter (Albers, 1963). However, this benefit may be reduced or even eliminated on computer screens because of their display particularities, like poorer screen resolution and aliasing or “jaggies,” as it is commonly known…
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Paolo Franzese
Sono un Digital Coach con piú di 25 anni di esperienza.
Ti aiuto a crescere sul Web facendo ció che ami.

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